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Nicholas DUNNE

Nicholas DUNNE

Dublin City University Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering


Prof. Nicholas Dunne obtained a degree in Polymer Science from the Technological University Shannon (TUS-Athlone) and completed his PhD Thesis at Queen’s University of Belfast (QUB). He is a Full Professor of Biomaterials Engineering and Chair of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering at Dublin City University (DCU). Prof. Dunne is the Founding Executive Director of Biodesign Europe and the Executive Director of the Centre for Medical Engineering Research at DCU. Professor Dunne is also an Honorary Research Professor of Biomaterials Engineering at the School of Pharmacy at QUB, and an Adjunct Professor at Trinity College Dublin. Internationally Prof. Dunne is recognised as an authority on biomaterials for hard tissue repair and regeneration, having been awarded an ORS/BORS Fellowship and the RAEng/Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow Award. His work has been continuously supported by national/international research councils and charity funding organisations and also attracts significant interest from industry. To date, Prof. Dunne has secured funding of +€38M as a PI and CI. Prof. Dunne is author of +260 articles in peer reviewed indexed international journals, and +500 contributions to international congresses. He is a Journal Editor of Biomaterials Advances and Editorial Board Member of Regenerative Biomaterials, RSC Biomaterials Science, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine and Proceedings of IMechE, Part H: Journal of Engineering in Medicine. Prof. Dunne is highly passionate about engaging ECR on matters important to research career and professional development. He has been President of Northern Ireland Bioengineering Society (2008-2015) and YSF-ESB Spokesperson (2010-2014) and UKSB (2011-2015). He was the VP and Secretary of the Executive Organising Committee of the 11th WBC (Glasgow, 2020) and an Executive Organising Committee member of the 8th WCB (Dublin, 2018). Prof. Dunne is currently a council member of the ESB (2019) where he has served as Council Secretary (2021-2023) and is currently the President (2023).


Prof. Dunne’s leads a research programme that lies at the interface of materials science, engineering and biology, and his lab focuses on the development of stratified approaches for the design, manufacture and in vitro/in vivo characterisation of drug-biomaterial combination medical devices that invoke a therapeutic response, which leads to efficacious hard and soft tissue repair/regeneration. This work spans fundamental mechanisms at the host/material interface as well as translational research to target non-union bone defects, bone metastases and chronic wounds. This research has been developed via a strong, interdisciplinary programme complimented with over-arching national/international research institute and industry collaborations. This research programme is enabled through Prof. Dunne’s membership, as a Funded Investigator, in the internationally recognised Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) Research Centres for Advanced Manufacturing (I-Form) and Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research (AMBER), as well as the EPSRC-SFI Centre for Advanced Metallic Systems. Prof. Dunne holds senior scientific research leadership role at DCU as the Founder and Executive Director of Biodesign Europe and Executive Director of the Centre for Medical Engineering Research. These roles are directed towards developing an international research agenda focusing on the strategic areas of healthcare technology, sustainable manufacturing, biotechnology, bioanalytical systems, sustainability for health and strategic industry partnerships.



Company/lab : Dublin City University Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering

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Phone : 0035317005712

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